Use this Composition Field Guide on your phone when you're out shooting to get inspiration and ideas to expand your composition.
Find out great, simple ways to frame your photos.
Learn what Landscape Photos are and tips on capturing great ones.
Find out what a Portrait Photograph is and ideas on how to improve these.
Find out how taking your photo at an angle can really help to make your photo "pop".
Learn what the Point of Thirds is and how to apply this to your photography.
Find out how to use geometry to take better photographs.
Find out how to use Leading Lines to direct attention to a specific part of your
Make your photo more than just a static image.
Learn how to capture an image that has weight.
Punctuation Points in your Photographs
Learn how you can add interest to any photo.
Grouped Shape Composition
See how you can create complex but readable images.
Silhouette Composition
Learn the key to creating an image that is simplistic but eye catching.
Patterns can be Engaging
See how patterns can be used to engage the audiences eye.
S-Curve Compositions Leads the Eye Gracefully
Learn the guide the audiences eye through your image.
Triangle Composition Provides Stability and Strength
See how basic shapes give impressions key to conveying moods.
Key tips to advance your photo composition immediately
Use these tips no matter what camera you're using
Take this guide into the field on your phone for easy access