Getting Your Work out to the World



Getting Your Work out to the World

Making your photo is only part of being a photographer, and in this course, I’ll show you how to share it with the world!


Getting Your Work out to the World

Making your photo is only part of being a photographer, and in this course, I’ll show you how to share it with the world!


Create art that you are proud of.







Course Curriculum Details

Your Vision of Yourself as a Photographer

A key part of sharing your work is understanding who you are as a photographer.

Sharing Your Work Online

In today’s world, the internet is one of the easiest ways to share your work, so here are some tips for how to share your work online, and not just on social media platforms.

Making Prints

Printing your work is one of the most satisfying elements of being a photographer, so let’s explore how you can make the printing process easier.

Framing and Sizing

After you have a print ready, you also need to decide how you’ll frame and size your image to present it to the world.

Other Ways to Get Your Work Out There

Let’s go over some other ways you can get your work out into the world.

Getting an Exhibit

It can be greatly satisfying to exhibit your work in a public venue. Here are some tips for how you can get your work in such a venue.

Exhibiting Your Work

After you get an exhibit scheduled, here are some tips to help you make this a successful event.

More Tips for Getting Your Work Out There

Here are some more tips to help you improve your photography and get your work out there.

Beware of Vampires

As you present your work, you may have those who only bring you down. Here’s my warning about such people and how you can deal with them.

Sharing Crash Course

I will go over a quick summary of what we discussed on sharing.

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What You'll Learn:

  • Learn how to share your work online in a way that doesn’t involve social media

  • Learn how to print and display your work

  • Find out how you can get your work displayed publicly


What You'll Learn:

  • Learn how to share your work online in a way that doesn’t involve social media

  • Learn how to print and display your work

  • Find out how you can get your work displayed publicly


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